Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The adeta conference concluded on Friday and I was quite surpised by how many people stayed late in the afternoon on Thursday to see my presentation on mobile learning. It is a hot topic and I hope they weren't disappointed. Aside from the apparent gathering momentum of twitter in education, one of the things that pleased me most about the conference was the prevailing attitude among a significant number of educators. For a lot of these teachers, there appeared to be a realization that technology in the classroom needs to be about more than just a way to deliver remote content. Quite a few presenters seemed to echo our own mobile learning theme that if students can acess content from anywhere at anytime, then what are we doing with them when they are actually with us in class (do they even need to be in class?). The problem seems to be that the teachers who hold these beliefs do not know where the next step needs to be. The exhibitors and administrators at the conference still seemed to be hung up on the content delivery paradigm. The momentum for change appears to be there, we just need to figure out where to direct it.

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