Saturday, September 12, 2009

Discussion on Resources in Science Classrooms

-Students not exposed to enough nonfiction and expository writing.
-No text in Elementary grades…a common text rich in nonfiction presented in an interesting way
- Why do we focus so much time on creative writing and nonfiction reading?
- In junior high, teachers are relying too much on the text and must need to use it sparingly…move from text driven program to a more balanced inquiry-based program
- Need more teachers who are science specialists …need teachers highly skilled in Pedagogical Science teaching and learning
- Need access to these teachers…D2L, on –line discussion opportunities
- Need access to a lesson bank (province wide, easy to navigate
- Hands-on resources: on line store; approved by Alberta Ed
- SMART board: ready to use resources
- Checklist of materials integrated into teacher manual
- Equity of technology
- Library to provide examples: videos, experts, lessons, assessment strategies; well organized by grade level and topic

- spend too much time looking for resources;
- Need more time for collaboration
- Environments conducive to hands-on science learning/inquiry (i.e. sinks in elementary classrooms)
- Isoloation … sharing needed between teachers, grades, divisions, school boards
- Time to network on a variety of topics
- ESL population – i.e. resources written in mother tongue, various grade levels, (accessible science for all)
- Access to expensive material and equipment i.e. GPS, robotics, microscopes (on a lend out system)
- We don’t just need more “stuff”, we need people to provide support in implementing these strategies
- Access to professionals in science fields
- More funding for off-site exploration (i.e. fieldtrips)

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